segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2011

Jagged Little Pill / "Pequena pílula Intragável"

You Learn - Você aprende!                                                                      

I Recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyone                              
Yeah,oh yeah,yeah
I Recommend walking around naked,in your living room,yeah                   

Jagged Little Pill(1995)
Swallow it down ( What a Jagged little Pill)                                     
It Feels so good,(Swimming in your stomatch)
Wait until the dust settles

You Live,You Learn
You Love,you learn
You Cry,you learn                                                      
You Lose,you learn
You Bleed,you learn
You Scream,you learn

I Recommend biting off more than you can chew
To Anyone,a certainly do
I Recommend sticking your foot in your mouth,at any time
Feel free

Throw it down( Your Caution blocks you from the wind)
Hold it up( to the Rays)
You wait and see when the smoke clears

You Love,you Learn
Chorus =]                                

Wear it out ( The way a three years old would do)
Meal it down( You're gonna have the eventually,anyway)
The fire trucks are coming up around the bend

You Ask,you Learn
Chorus =]                                   

You grieve,you learn
You choke,you learn                                                                               
You laugh,you learn
You Pray,You Learn
You Choose,you learn             
You Pray,you learn
You ask,you learn
You live,you learn

                              Composição : Alanis Morissette/Glen Ballard


Adoro mulheres irritadas
Explodindo de raiva

Poucas coisas deixam uma mulher tão sexy,
Tão charmosa,
E tão convidativa ao prazer
Quanto aquele olhar possesso,
Aquele ar de que vai quebrar tudo
E mandar o mundo pelos ares
Pelo simples fato de que algo não saiu ao seu gosto
Ou a contento seu

Mulheres assim são mais donas de si
Mais donas do mundo
E dos homens também
Tanto mais quando se sabe que por que por trás de tanta raiva, de tanta fúria,
Há sempre um encanto de mulher
Que apenas espera receber exatamente o que ela quer
E merece:

Todo o carinho,
Toda a atenção,
E todo o amor que existe!
                                                             Autor : Augusto Branco                 

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